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678 The Kingdom of God-Part 1 (details.asp)
Main Topics: Kingdom of God, Humility, Love

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Common Lectionary: Epiphany, Independence Day, Proper 4A

The Kingdom of God is not a place, but signifies God's reign and authority, it is characterized by communion with God lived out through lives of compassion, humility and love.

Keywords: - Kingdom of Heaven, Leadership, Jack Hayford, Service, Church, St. Francis

Greek or Hebrew words: - ecclesia, Greek: church, assembly, the 'called out ones'

Key Scriptures: - Mat 5-7, Mat 16:18

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1. Life in the Kingdom

   a. Humility, service, obedience, purity, love, repentance, forgiveness

   b. Power-filled, but not power-hungry

   c. Citizens are opposed, reviled, hated, killed

2. What is the Kingdom?

   a. Not a place

   b. The King’s rule, authority, sovereignty

   c. Founded on Christ, his authority, and the Cross


Today we begin a series on the Kingdom of God. Jack Hayford describes the characteristics of the Kingdom from Matthew.  Some of these are: people of character, service and witness; obedience to God; renunciation of anger; purity; control of the tongue; and a love for all humankind. Life is humble, unselfish and non-judgmental, free from slavery to material concerns. It is power-filled, but not power-hungry. The King, Jesus, introduces these Kingdom truths through stories the people understand, commissions his disciples, and then expects them to go spread the same message He taught. They are to express the same wonders, yet face the same opposition: they will be reviled, hated and killed. If we truly live as citizens of the Kingdom, we too will be hated. In Matthew 16:18 the King announces his plan to build his church, which means the ‘called out ones.’ This is a new community founded on a clear confession of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, who established dominion and authority over the dark powers. The keys of the kingdom grant this also to his followers. It is also grounded in a clear understanding that the Cross is the fountainhead of Kingdom life and power. The Messiah’s arrival brings a new era of forgiveness, life, and power over sin. Jesus brought love, healing, reconciliation, intimacy and communion with God, forgiveness of sin. The Kingdom of God is not a place, but is the authority, sovereignty, power and control of the King.  It has to do with rule and authority: either we are under the rule of the King, or we are under the rule of the prince of this world. Other components of Kingdom living are compassion, confession, repentance and forgiveness. 



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