Copyright 1995-2004 by George Koch. All rights reserved. 0 N 504 Willow Road, Wheaton IL 60187-2918. This website is for creating tables for "ORACLE 8, 9i and 10 - the Complete Reference" by George Koch and Kevin Loney, published by Osborne/Mcgraw-Hill. Note that the files on the website have an extra extension: .txt - which you must remove before the files will work. That is, COMPLETE.REF.TXT has to be saved on your computer as COMPLETE.REF - the same is true for DROP.ALL.TXT must be renamed DROP.ALL ACTIVITY.SQL.TXT must be renamed ACTIVITY.SQL MATH.SQL.TXT must be renamed MATH.SQL, and (as noted) COMPLETE.REF.TXT must be renamed COMPLETE.REF This webpage also contains two SQL start files, ACTIVITY.SQL and MATH.SQL, which are used in chapters in the book, as well as 29 table creation scripts in the file "COMPLETE.REF", which both creates tables and loads rows into them. These tables are listed in Appendix A of the book, and are built from this file. It is strongly recommended that you set aside a separate practice id in ORACLE for use with these tables (user id of PRACTICE with a password of PRACTICE, for example). This will allow new users to experiment with these tables on this id as they are learning, but will not endanger any production data, or conflict with any real table names which happen to be identical to names of tables loaded here. Copy all of the files on this disk to the disk (and subdirectory, if using a PC) from which you will use SQL*PLUS with the practice id. This will allow SQL*PLUS to execute these as start files. All of the tables can be loaded as a group by getting into SQL*PLUS on the practice id and entering the command: start COMPLETE.REF When a new user is finished practicing, simply re-run COMPLETE.REF, and the tables will be completely restored. COMPLETE.REF issues a command to drop each table before it attempts to create it, thereby assuring successful cleanup (although also eliminating any changes to the tables you may have made). As a result, the first time these tables are installed, each 'drop table' command will cause this error message: ERROR at line 1: ORA-0942: table or view does not exist This is NORMAL. Simply ignore it. If you wish later to remove all of the tables from ORACLE without reinstalling them, the start file DROP.ALL will do this for you. During the table creation process, a log file called RESULT.LST is created. It contains any messages Oracle produced while the tables were being dropped, created and loaded. It is a good idea to check this file after running COMPLETE.REF to see if there were any problems. Check the web site for a list of typo's and other errors in the book. I hope you enjoy the book and these tables and find them both useful. -George Koch (it's pronounced "coke")